
We are delighted about our first client from the tourism sector and the German account for Go Vilnius! Since 2024, we have been telling you about the culinary side of the Lithuanian capital for the first time. To coincide with the launch of the first Michelin stars in the Baltic metropolis, we start with press work and events for media representatives in Hamburg, Munich and Berlin. We coordinate press trips and background discussions. Together with Denise Sniegoulé Wachter, we discover the culinary side of the Lithuanian capital. Many of you know Denise as STERN's food editor or from her Instagram account essenmitdenise. Denise has Lithuanian roots and her very first cookbook "Vilnius" will be published by AT Verlag at the end of August!

  • Strategy

    Communication and press relations

  • Client

    Development Agency of the City of Vilnius, Air Baltic

Open Project

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